Dear friends we would like to wish all our readers and followers of Monks Chapel a very happy and blessed new year for 2014.
We have been blessed in many ways over the last year. All our special services were well attended and the weather was kind to us. The hole which appeared in the graveyard caused a lot of interest, it turned out to be a old tomb which contained the remains of two family’s. It was a large vault about 6ft deep 8ft long and 4ft wide. After it was photographed and thoroughly investigated it was found that the tomb contained the remains of the Barton family and the Dunsdon family’s from Bradford on Avon Wilts. Dated Circa 1879 and 1895. They have now been covered over and the stone repaired so they can rest in peace.
During the year we had problems with the electric heating bills and had new meters installed. The organ was playing up and needed attention also. We have a problem getting organists every week and sometimes have to use cd’s which is not very suitable. We discussed the possibility of purchasing a hymnal plus which many churches now have, but as they cost over two thousand pounds which is well out of reach at the moment, we have not given up on the idea and have put it in the lords hands, he has never let us down to date.
At the end of the year another of our older members Peggy Purnell (pictured right) passed to glory at the age of 98. Peggy was the last of a group of loyal friends led by Ivor Tilly who saved this chapel back in 1972 from closure. Peggy was a active member and elder of the chapel all those years and her great faith was a inspiration to all who knew her. No one was ever turned away and all came away greatly blessed . We shall all miss Peggy, but realise the great responsibilty we have to carry on and keep this lovely place of worship a witness in the world we live in. And spread the good news of the gospel to all who visit us or hear the word via the cd’s. we send out each month.
God Bless
Richard and Jan Smith.
(+44) (0) 1249 653897.